INT. DALZIEL HOUSE - EVENING A large, posh suburban home. The ground floor is open plan with the lobby, kitchen, living room and dining room connected. In the kitchen looking out some plates is REBECCA (45), still with her hair and makeup done, but dressed into her relaxing wear. Behind her the front door opens and enters ALLY (46), wearing a cheap suit and overcoat, carrying a blue polyethylene bag. ALLY Oh Sweet Pea, I’m home! REBECCA Late. ALLY Usual teachers' meeting. Lot of talking, lot of nodding, though Ms Gibson was wearing her short skirt. Ally has come through to the kitchen and dropped the bag next to Rebecca. She takes out the metallic tubs and empties the contents onto the plates. REBECCA Why don’t you ask her out? I’m sure she loves mid life crises. Ally heads back down the hall to the door, taking off his overcoat and heads upstairs. ALLY Where’s Amber? REBECCA Out with friends. ALLY Well she’s missing Homeland then. REBECCA Unlike us a sixteen year old has more exciting things to do on a Friday night. With Ally upstairs, Rebecca takes the plates to two TV tables in the living room. She opens a bottle of red wine and pours two glasses. She picks up the remote to turn on the TV. CRASH! The front door is booted down as two men in black wielding knives run into the living room. One wears a ski mask and pins Rebecca to the couch while the other, ROGER (52) launches into a rehearsed speech. ROGER Time’s up Alan, you had your chance! Mr Morrison sends his regards. (notices it’s not Alan) Who the fuck are you? REBECCA Who the fuck are you?! ROGER Where’s Alan? REBECCA Who’s Alan? ROGER Call him. REBECCA (calling out)Ally! Get down here! Now please! An awkward pause as they wait for Ally to arrive. The masked man, Tony (24) whispers to Roger. TONY I didn’t know he was married. Ally plods downstairs in just his joggers and vest. ALLY What’s going on? (noticing the intruders) (to Rebecca) Who the fuck are they? ROGER Sit down. REBECCA These are two arseholes Ally, who have completely uninvited kicked down our door and threatened me in my own home! ALLY What the hell did you call me for? REBECCA Well do something! ALLY (in the position every man dreads, tries to square up to them) Guys, could you fuck off? Please? ROGER No. Where’s Alan the Hair? REBECCA Alan the who? ROGER The Hair. REBECCA That’s a ridiculous nickname. ROGER It’s not, he’s got a lot of, shut up! Where is he? ALLY Evidently not fucking here. TONY Are you sure we’ve got the right place Roger? Alan doesn’t drive a Citron. ROGER Yeah, it was 158. This is 158 Parkdrive Road? REBECCA Yep. TONY Was it definitely 158? ROGER ...I think so. TONY Maybe call Donny and check. ROGER What, now?... Roger pulls out a pay as you go Nokia. He walks to the corner and holds it to his ear, as Tony watches. REBECCA Don’t you guys have guns? ROGER Do you know how hard it is to get a gun in this country? (down the phone) It’s me. Listen, was it 158 Parkdrive Road for that thing? (beat) 258?! You definitely told me 158! (beat) Well we’re not big on fucking note taking! (beat) No, it’s just, we kinda bust in on 158. (beat) Yeah, they’ve seen my face. (beat) Okay. I’ll sort it. Roger hangs up solemnly, and turns back to the room. He is blinded by a flash, coming from Rebecca’s phone. She quickly hits a couple of buttons and locks it. ROGER (CONT’D) What the fuck was that?! You’re dead! (he raises his knife) REBECCA I just took your picture and sent it to Janine. If you kill us they’ll know exactly where to look. TONY Fuck you bitch! ROGER Wait! (Tony stops) She’s right. The police know me, they’d come right for me. And what the fuck are you doing, why did you let her on her phone?! REBECCA I’d like you to leave now. Rebecca, Ally and Tony all start shouting at Roger and each other, Rebecca and Ally telling them to leave, but Tony still saying they should kill them. They all stop when Roger slams his fist on Rebecca’s TV table, knocking her wine over. ROGER Shut up. He crosses the room and sits by the window still, as he thinks about what to do.
EXT. DRIVEWAY - CONTINUOUS Outside, AMBER (16) leads LYLE (16) up the gravel driveway, arm in arm. LYLE Nice house. AMBER Thank you. Wait till you see my room. (getting near the house) Get down. (they duck) They must have guests round, that’s not our car. We’ll sneak around the back. (she sees that Lyle is nervous) Don’t worry, I’ve done it hundreds of times. LYLE Hundreds? They start to creep past the window.
INT. DALZIEL HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Roger leans against the window still, pondering what to do. There is an awkward silence. Rebecca looks at the wine spill on her white shag rug. REBECCA That’ll take ages to come out. Behind Roger, the tops of Amber and Lyle’s heads bob past.
EXT. BACK GARDEN - CONTINUOUS Amber and Lyle appear round the back garden and stand up, in the clear. Amber points up to a window on the second storey. AMBER That’s my room. LYLE How’d we get up there? Amber smiles and runs towards the house. She begins climbing a wooden veranda underneath it, until she reaches the window, unlatches it and climbs in. She looks down at an amazed Lyle. LYLE (CONT’D) That was amazing! AMBER Coming up? LYLE I can’t, I’m uh, afraid of heights. AMBER Oh. And here I was thinking you wanted to spend time with me. Amber smiles and disappears. Lyle reevaluates just how high the veranda is and sets off to climb.
INT. AMBER’S ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Amber lights a candle by the side of her bed, with Lyle’s soft grunting coming from outside. She turns as his face appears, terrified. LYLE Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod. Amber grabs the back of his jeans and pulls him through. He collapses on the floor panting, as Amber leans over him. AMBER Aren’t you glad you came now? He really is glad.
INT. DALZIEL HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Roger is still thinking as the rest watch him. Rebecca’s phone buzzes in her hand. REBECCA That’s Janine. She’s wondering who that is. TONY Tell her it’s Louie Walsh. ROGER Shut up. So, you’re Ally, what’s your name? REBECCA Rebecca. ROGER Well Rebecca, I’m going to cou... TONY (to Ally)Ally, as in Mr Dalziel from History? ALLY Yeah? TONY It’s me! (he takes off his ski mask) ALLY (recognising) Tony McGill! What the hell are you doing here? TONY Didn’t make it to uni, so’ve started working with my dad. I’m shadowing Mr Lockhart tonight while... ROGER Are you quite finished? Oh, and since we’re all on first name terms, it’s Roger by the way. REBECCA Charmed. Look, why don’t you just leave? We won’t tell the police. ROGER Sure you will. REBECCA Why don’t you tie us up then? ROGER And you rat on us tomorrow? REBECCA Well you can’t kill us, and you can’t trust us. Why don’t you make us trust you? ROGER What do you mean? REBECCA Well, if you were to offer us something... ROGER ... Are you blackmailing us? REBECCA ... Yes I think I am. (to Ally) This is much more fun than Homeland!